Into Literature Textbook
•Go to
•Enter the following info:
•In the Country field: United States
•In the State field: Florida
•In the District/Independent School field: Volusia Charter Schools Dist.
•User name is your lastname + first initial: Example: rodgersj (if that doesn’t work, try your last name +first name)
•Your password is 8-digit birthdate
•Enter the following info:
•In the Country field: United States
•In the State field: Florida
•In the District/Independent School field: Volusia Charter Schools Dist.
•User name is your lastname + first initial: Example: rodgersj (if that doesn’t work, try your last name +first name)
•Your password is 8-digit birthdate
User: Alpha code (unless you changed it)
Password: birthdate
Password: birthdate